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In Chalet Sonne Vandans

Charming, close to nature. With us you can be yourself. Feel at home and enjoy the nature of the Alps!

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What we offer:

Original Montafon group house

Space for up to 100 people.
600 meters from the nearest cable car.

Clubs, sports groups, company groups...

Everyone is welcome!

Winter view of the Chalet Vandans residential buildings, snowy and picturesque.
Chalet Sonne Vandans from the outside, surrounded by deep snow and penetrated by rays of sunshine in the heavenly Montafon

Welcome to the original Montafon group house in Vandans!

For almost a century, the accommodation, which is located in the heart of Vandans, has been run with much passion by the Tagwercher family.

Our cozy house can accommodate up to 100 people, divided into two charming buildings: the main house and the residential house.

Only 650 metres from the nearest cable car, it is the ideal starting point for all kinds of mountain adventures. Winter and summer.

Perfect for clubs, sports groups and corporate groups – experience unforgettable moments in the midst of a breathtaking mountain landscape or relax in a relaxed atmosphere.


At Chalet Sonne Vandans, modern thinking merges with traditional comfort. 100 beds in an idyllic retreat where nature, sport and community meet enjoyment. Here we celebrate togetherness, value simplicity and prefer the tried and tested - in the heart of Montafon tradition.


Our chalet is located just 650 meters from the nearest mountain station, ideal for sporting activities and inviting walks in the breathtaking nature of the Alps. A perfect place for anyone looking for exercise in impressive surroundings and wanting to experience every season actively.


A wide range of activities awaits you in Montafon: experience hiking and climbing tours, refresh yourself with a swim, improve your handicap on the golf course or explore nature while walking and mountain biking. Tennis, museum visits and fishing are also possible here.


Managing Director



Exterior view of the traditional chalet-style Chalet Sonne Vandans, surrounded by lush greenery and natural beauty

Main house

Floor A

5 - 10 people

Floor C

15 - 23 people

Floor D

18 - 25 people

Residential building

Floor A

5 - 10 people

Floor B

11 - 20 people

Floor B

11 - 20 people

Holiday apartment

3 - 4 people

Exterior view of residential building 2 of the Chalet Vandans with several floors.

Customer reviews:

The Sonne Vandans is very impressive under the new management (Daniel and Janine)! The beds have been renewed in recent years, the bathrooms have been freshened up and many other small details have been lovingly renovated. The hospitality has remained, you feel welcome and somehow at home from the very first moment. The buffets at breakfast and dinner are varied, diverse and delicious. If you like the charm of a historic building, you should definitely visit the Sonne!


Feb 2023

Cozy hotel with a family atmosphere

We were skeptical about the rating on, but they take old reviews into account.
We dared to book and were not disappointed.
The younger generation has the potential to make up for the neglected renewal of the institution in the past, bit by bit.
We had 4 wonderful evenings in the fireplace room, it wasn't just called that, it had an open fireplace and you could add wood yourself. The young owner, a very nice young man, his partner, also very accommodating and the whole team made it easy for us to feel at home here. The price-performance ratio is right here.


Feb 2020

Friendliness and service

We spent another family holiday here this year to go skiing. You can see that more and more has been renovated and the rooms are being updated to the latest standards. The young couple is fully motivated to fulfill the guests' wishes and the food is super delicious and there is always more than enough at the buffet. The wellness area is not that big, but it is well equipped and always clean. A hotel where you feel good. Even the little guests can play here and get their money's worth with the food. We would go back anytime!!

lea H

Jan. 2020

Hotel with a family atmosphere and flair

Make contact:

Would you like to know more or do you have specific questions? Do not hesitate to contact us. We are here to help you and look forward to hearing from you. Fill out our contact form - your next Alpine adventure starts here!

+43 5556 727 19

Dorfstrasse 47

A-6773 Vandans





Erkunde die malerische Landschaft des Montafons auf zahlreichen Wanderwegen, die direkt vom Chalet Sonne Vandans zugänglich sind. Genießen  atemberaubende Aussichten und unberührte Natur auf  markierten Pfaden.

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​Erlebe actionreiche Abenteuer auf den Mountainbike-Strecken rund um das Chalet Sonne Vandans. Die vielfältigen Routen bieten Herausforderungen für Alle und garantieren unvergessliche Ausblicke.

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Tauche ein in das kühle Nass der Schwimmbäder und Seen in der Nähe des Chalet Sonne Vandans. Ideal für eine Erfrischung nach einem aktiven Tag oder einfach zum Entspannen und Genießen der Sonne.

Preise Sommer und Winter


Frühstück / Abendessen - einfach dazubestellen





Das Chalet Sonne Vandans ist der perfekte Ausgangspunkt für Skifahrer und liegt direkt neben dem Erlebnisberg Golm! Genieß die Vorteile eines schnellen Zugangs zu abwechslungsreichen Pisten und Snowparks. Doch damit nicht genug – auch die Skigebiete Silvretta und Gargellen sind nur einen Katzensprung entfernt und bieten endlosen Pistenspaß. Egal ob Anfänger oder Fortgeschrittener, das Montafon ist mit seinen Skigebieten ein wahres Paradies für alle Wintersportfans.

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Spazieren im Winterwonderland

Mit seiner zentralen Lage in Vandans ist das Chalet Sonne der ideale Ausgangspunkt für entspannte Winterspaziergänge. Ob in der charmanten Ortschaft oder auf den verschneiten Pfaden der nahegelegenen Wälder – ein Spaziergang durch das Winterwonderland ist ein Muss für jeden Naturliebhaber. Glitzernde Schneelandschaften, ruhige Wege und schneebedeckte Bäume machen die Umgebung zu einem traumhaften Ziel für erholsame Stunden und unvergessliche Wintermomente.



Im Montafon erwarten dich beim Schneeschuhwandern unglaublich viele Wege, die durch eine herrliche, verschneite Landschaft führen – die Möglichkeiten sind grenzenlos! Starte direkt vom Chalet Sonne Vandans und entdecke unberührte Pfade durch verschneite Wälder und weite Täler. Ob für Anfänger oder erfahrene Wanderer, die Touren bieten für jeden das perfekte Naturerlebnis und lassen dich die Ruhe und Schönheit der Alpen in vollen Zügen genießen.

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